
You can place your advertisement for parts you want to sell or parts you are looking for.

Placing an advertisement is for free for private persons.

If you are a professional seller, please contact us at:


User guidelines:

- before placing an advertisement, you need to register

- when you enter your advertisement, do not forget to select the "category" and "motorcycle model"

When these categories are left blank, your advertisement will not show up when the filters are used.


Rules for sellers:

- you may place advertisements for parts, tools and accesories for BMW motorcycles only

- we will remove advertisements that have the potential to violate certain copyrights, trademarks, or other rights

- we are not a party to a transaction between seller and buyer

- we will not be liable for direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from a transaction between buyer and seller



Tel: +31-6-53854044